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Monday, April 30, 2007

Zodiac Killer, An Unsolved Case

America's most dreaded killer remains elusive even today. It is still not known who this Zodiac Killer was. Though the police suspected it to be Arthur Leigh Allen, there was no concrete evidence to support the claim. Since he has been an enigma to the cops, little is known about his early days and what prompted him to become a serial killer. Till date the case is open and world's top investigators are foxed by the complexity of this case. Allen was the only one who came close to the killer's description. But his DNA doesn't match with any of the samples found at the site of crime. The San Francisco Police Department marked this case closed in April 2004 but has reopened it now.

The Zodiac Killers modus operandi is intriguing, as he wrote letters to media in code language about the killings, sometimes even before hand . In fact, once he even called up the police and accepted responsibility for killing two youngsters in a parking lot. The call was traced to a telephone booth near the Vallejo Police Department. In 1968, the Zodiac killings came to light with the murder of Betty Lou Jensen and David Faraday on December 20, 1968 in California City. He shot them point blank on their head. A neighborhood lady Stella Borges found the bodies and alerted the police. But no leads were found. This was followed by a spate of killings which baffled the cops and made them helpless. No conclusive evidence was found in any of the killings.

In 1969, letters were received by the Vallejo Times-Herald, the San Francisco Chronicle, and the San Francisco Examiner. The letters consisted of one third of a cryptogram with a total of 408 characters which he claimed contained his identity. He demanded they be printed on the front page or he would go on a rampage and kill a dozen people that weekend. Though the threatened murders did not happen, all three parts were eventually published.

The cryptogram was cracked in August 1969 by Donald and Betty Harden. Though the message was unraveled it didn't contain the killer's identity. According to the excerpts published the letter was as follows:


The last 18 characters couldn't be unraveled.

The killings continued and flummoxed everyone in Bay Area. The Zodiac Killer also dutifully reported every crime to the police. Though fresh evidence could be collected, they could never be matched with anybody. Letters continued to come to media and so did the killings. There were around 49 murders linked to zodiac killer out of which 15 were occult killings in Northern California.

Theories abound in Zodiac Killers case but no conclusive evidence was ever found. Many films were inspired by this and Hollywood had a fascination for making movies and TV serials on zodiac killer. The killer always signed his notes with " = 12, SFPD = 0".

Though police investigated over 2,500 potential suspects, the case is still unsolved. This is one of the greatest unsolved serial killer mysteries of all times in American crime history.

By: Carlos Cabezas López

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Journeying and Incarnations - Was Jim Really John Lennon?

Jim was struggling with a career decision. Jim's current career had started with the death of John Lennon. Jim was about eighteen years old at the time of Lennon's death, but he had had a powerful experience at this time, which changed the course of his life. When Lennon died, Jim felt him enter his body. He committed himself to John's spirit, and became obsessed with learning all of his music. Jim is a talented musician and developed a very successful band, which played Beatle standards. This supported Jim both financially and soulfully. But after many years, Jim felt as if he were becoming lost as an individual. He wanted to develop his own style of music and be recognized for himself. There came a time when Jim was ready to hang up his Sergeant Pepper's suit, but he had much indecision and remorse about this career change. He felt as though he were breaking his commitment to keep John and his music alive. He asked me to journey to John's spirit.

My spirit helpers almost always show me things metaphorically during a journey, somewhat like a dream. Luckily for me, my spirit helpers also usually explain the metaphors to me, unlike a dream where I must figure out the symbology for myself. The first scene that came to me in the journey was Jim lying on the floor sobbing into his hands. John walked up and pulled Jim to his knees. He then embraced him tightly. Jim continued to sob on John's shoulder with John supporting and consoling him.

The scene then changed to Jim and John flying through the air. Their bodies were actually blended, as if they were superimposed on each other. Each of them had one arm and leg free and off to the side, but their inside arms and legs were superimposed. John was about a head's length in front of Jim.

After several moments of this, the scene changed to Jim and John curling up into a ball, or sphere that appeared like rolling light. I then saw Earth off in the distance, as if I were viewing the planet from a space capsule.

I asked for an explanation of the metaphors. The first scene, where John was consoling Jim, had a real twist in it for my client. Jim had been a drug addict, and his involvement with John's music actually was part of his own healing. The Beatle band had kept Jim productive, responsible, and clean. In order to be a success, he had to take care of himself. John was actually keeping Jim alive, not the other way around.

The second scene, with them flying through the air superimposed, was explained as Jim and John actually being the same soul expressed in two different incarnations at the same time! Absolutely amazing! The reason that John's head was shown a head's length in front of Jim was that he was about 20 years older than Jim and further along in the expression of his life. I marveled at the meaning contained in such a simple image. I found it incredible. The spirits then went on to explain the imagery of the spherical ball of light that Jim and John had become. They stressed again, through this imagery, that time is not linear, it is holographic. There really is no such thing as past or future lives. Everything is happening simultaneously in different dimensions of time. Earth was used to illustrate that we can look at all individuals and see different incarnations of our soul being lived out. We have got a whole planet of people who are different expressions of us.

John Lennon's words from "I Am the Walrus" are interestingly appropriate to Jim's experience, like a message to him across time: "I am he, and he is me, and we are all together."

Is this what the great masters and teachers such as Jesus, Buddha, and Muhammad have been implying for centuries? If so, I was beginning to understand it.

Since this journey, the spirits have expanded their teaching about incarnations. They fondly expressed to me that when we have real attachments to things, such as to a particular writer, poet, artist, or sculptor, and are drawn to his or her work, it is probably because we were actually the creator of that piece of work. If we read something from history that profoundly teaches us, we may have been part of the actual event. Even if we are extremely attached or moved to help someone, perhaps to support a child in a Third World country, then we are probably that child in a different lifetime expression. Do unto others as you would do unto yourself; the other might actually be you! Now there's a thought.

I am still processing this information and probably will be for several years to come. It is amazing. The spirits have since taught me to journey to my other lifetimes and to remember the wisdom I gained from each lifetime expression. I have also learned to journey to souls I would like to learn more about. The possibilities available through journeying are unlimited. Journeys to other lifetimes can be extremely informative, but also lots of fun. I highly recommend them for anyone practicing their journey skills.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

School Security Cameras - Do Studies and Surveillance Mesh?

Do security cameras belong in schools?

The answer to this continues to be the subject of heated debates. Parents and legislators are all for the installation of school security cameras while students and teachers vehemently oppose it. The issue is one that strikes a very powerful chord in schools everywhere, and echoes the dilemma that confront lawmakers on a national scale. Which is more important - safety or personal privacy?

Why the Need for School Security Cameras?

In recent years, the school has been the setting of many tragic and violent incidents. To prevent further bloodshed, educators and legislators have united to make schools safe once more. Some of the strategies that sprang from the collaboration include the deployment of a full-time security officer in school buildings. Another is training students how to handle potentially explosive situations involving their peers. A third, and certainly the most controversial, strategy is the placement of school security cameras.

What Are School Security Cameras?

School security cameras are cameras placed in key areas within school grounds. These cameras use a recording system that allows easy storage, easy recall, and even easier viewing from different monitors, either individually or simultaneously. School security cameras monitor activities taking place within their viewing range. A school personnel or a police officer keeps track of recorded images.

Benefits of School Security Cameras

Supporters of the move claim that school security cameras serve as a good crime deterrent. Because students know that they are being watched, they will not engage in vandalism, for example, or physically hurtful acts. In addition, school security cameras will alert authorities to potentially difficult situations. For instance, security guards can see that a brawl is about to take place, and, therefore, intervene before the fighting even starts.

Another benefit of installing school security cameras is that it provides concerned authorities with evidence that is not likely to be available anywhere else. Because footage is monitored on a regular and timely basis, suspicious activity, criminal or otherwise, can be spotted in a timely manner.

Drawbacks of Installing School Security Cameras

Opponents of the scheme to install school security cameras, on the other hand, aver that school security cameras do not make students and teachers any safer. Everyone knows where the cameras are. Thus, eluding the cameras won't be a problem to someone intending to do a teacher or a student harm.

Another con of school security cameras is cost. The cost of setting up and maintaining a network of school security cameras can be very prohibitive. Thankfully, prices of surveillance equipment have dramatically dropped in recent years, and it is now possible to purchase the necessary apparatus without breaking the bank.

The most emphatic reason given, however, is that school security cameras will trample people's rights to privacy. In the wrong hands, video footage of unsuspecting students and teachers can be used disastrously.

Experts believe that school security cameras will help schools return to the beautiful, idyllic learning institutions they once had been. Critics of school security cameras, on the other hand, assert that surveillance will not help curb violence in schools. As a matter of fact, it might even encourage violence because it sends out the message that the school is a potential crime scene, not a community of teachers and learners who can resolve conflict constructively.

It is safe to say that debates over the use of school security cameras will continue to rage for many more years to come. Safety will always be everyone's paramount concern. The pursuit of safety, however, should not be at the cost of the basic human rights to privacy, free speech, and association.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Virginia Tech Nightmare and The 2nd Amendment - Could Concealed Carry Permits Have Prevented it?

First off, I send my deepest condolences to the victims and their families of the worst single shooting spree homicide in United States History; The Virginia Tech Massacre. While watching the news coverage today, I tried to imagine how horrible it must have been for the students sitting in their classrooms, listening to the barrage of gun shots that rang out. I myself attended college and law school. That is the last place on earth where you would think that some loony toon would walk in and start murdering people by shooting them. I could not imagine the horror that the unarmed students went through.

I then thought about the fact that we are a nation presently at war, and how stories like this might give fodder for our enemies to become copycats.

Going further, I thought about the fact that this tragedy could have either been prevented or diminished had just one or two of the adult students or teachers at the University had concealed carry permits to carry their own guns.

I am an advocate of the 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms. There are many people out there that seek to ban firearms by using incidents such as this as proof that banning guns would prevent such tragedies. I beg to differ.

In fact, in nations or States that freely allow their citizens to carry concealed weapons; the crime rates are much lower.

There are some that argue that if you ban handguns than it will be much harder for criminals to get guns. This may or may not be true. Drugs like cocaine and heroine have been banned for years. Is there a cocaine and heroine problem in the United States?

Criminals by nature are criminals. They will get guns whether they are banned or not. So the real victims of handgun bans will be law abiding citizens who follow the law. They will be victims of the criminals that do not follow the law.

Going back to the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution; the Supreme Court has interpreted the 2nd Amendment to mean that government cannot ban all guns, but that they can ban some guns based upon a compelling governmental interest. They have left it up to the States to enact their own legislation with respect to regulating guns. Some States make it easy for law abiding citizens to obtain concealed carry permits to protect themselves, and some have made it difficult.

In California, the issue has been left up to the Sheriff of each county to issue concealed carry permits. In places like Los Angeles County, and San Francisco County it is virtually impossible to get a concealed carry permit, even though the crime in these counties by criminals carry guns is basically through the roof.

It is my humble opinion that tragedies such as the one that happened at Virginia Tech could be avoided by more people being issued concealed carry permits so that they can protect themselves in case a loony toon decides to walk into a place and start murdering people. First off, the loony toon might think twice about doing their dastardly deed if the knew that the people that they are going up against may be armed, secondly if they still decide to go on a murder rampage, someone could stop it before 30 plus people end up dead.

In the vast majority of crime situations, the police are not there to protect you. The police act as a deterrent to crime, and are only usually there after the crime has already been committed. Secondly, you cannot sue the police for failing to protect you in an emergency.

I firmly believe that all free law abiding Americans should have the right to bear arms pursuant to the United States Constitution, so that they are able to protect themselves.

I have not heard of one instance of a person carrying a concealed weapon legally with a concealed carry permit, using the weapon to commit a crime. I have heard of thousands crimes against innocent victims.

It makes sense to me that we should be able to carry weapons to protect ourselves against criminals. If this is not the case, than we should be able to sue the police for failing to protect us. Right now the vast majority of Americans are getting the short end of the stick. It's time to give us back our constitutional right to bear arms.

God be with those poor souls of Virginia Tech that did not even have a chance.

By Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq., © 2007

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Monday, April 16, 2007

God Wants You to Be Rich!

" I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly"

(John 10:10b)

The divine feasts, as narrated both in the Old and New testaments, speak always of abundance of food and drink. Nobody gets hungry at the table prepared by God. God wants to share totally his abundance with us, as he told the older son in the parable of the Prodigal Son.

But then, how many times we prefer to live in hunger than avail of this abundance! The story of the Prodigal Son could be the life of anyone of us. When we enjoy good health, when our business runs good and our banks accounts are full of savings, we easily forget about God. We only return to him, like the Prodigal Son, when everything goes wrong. In returning to him, we dream only of recovering what we lost, not understanding that the most important treasure is God himself. God gives abundantly because he gives himself. If we lose him, we lose everything.

How many holy people spent their lives in the most abject misery and poverty, yet they still exuded immense joy for the presence of God in their hearts. Poverty with God is better than prosperity without him.

You probably don't work for free –you need money to live on, pay the rent with and save money for a rainy day. The Bible recognizes that a valuable worker deserves fair recompense.

Though the Bible recognizes the need to earn a living, it also tells us God's kingdom is not like that. We can't work our way to heaven, because we can't do anything to make ourselves right with God. The only one who can do that is God's perfect Son Jesus. When we believe that He died in order to forgive our sins, we agree with God on the subject, and our eternal destination becomes heaven. God gives us the gift for doing nothing more than trusting in Him.

So today, instead of spending time catching up on the office work, why not trust in God? Spend time in worship, not work, and instead of trying to enter heaven on your own credit, you'll arrive there safely on your trust in Jesus.

We should end our day in prayer reaffirming that the goal of human life is to be with God. Our dream of quality life is not brought about the riches or material possession alone. We dream of living free from sickness and death. Only God can give this.

A good practice also is to meditate constantly on the Holy Bible. Keep this Book of the law on your lips. Recite it day and night, that you may observe carefully all that is written in it; then you will attain your goal.

The well being brought by earthly riches pales in comparison to the happiness of heaven. The apostle Paul, who had a first-hand experience of heaven, spoke of it as happiness beyond words and imagination: "This man…was taken up to Paradise where he heard word that cannot be told: things which humans cannot express".

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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Avodah Zarah or Aish Zarah?

Growing up in Western Culture I never really got a true grasp of what Avodah Zarah (idol worship) was. With great difficulty I was able to imagine libations of wine to different gods, maybe a temple orgy, but realistically it was hard to conjure up. My reading of Socrates and some of the Greek tragedies in high school and college filled my imagination with idol worship, the pageantry and pagan rites, but unless you experience it, it is hard to imagine. It sort of like describing what a good succulent steak tastes like to someone who is a vegan from birth. Idol worship and pagan belief simply was not part of my religious-cultural experience on any level. Couple that with the fact that my teacher Rav Aharon Sooveitchik, z"l ruled that for all practical purposes there was not any Avodah Zarah in the west.

Was he ever wrong! Right under my nose, within a short distance from my home, and even closer to my office was one of the biggest lairs of idol worshippers in my city. They actually are in competition with the Hindus for first place. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. 770 Eastern Parkway, the neo-Gothic home of the 6th -7th Lubavitcher Rebbes (rabbinic leaders) since 1940, is now in the center of a lawsuit, a legal fight which places idol worship at the center of the storm. The outcome of this lawsuit may define who and what Chabad/Lubavitch believes in and their ideological commitment to normative Judaism. Two groups are fighting for control of the shul (chapel) and since neither side had a solid case, it is going to trial.

Basically the two sides represent the split image of a movement struggling with its association with normative Judaism and the meaning of substantive Jewish values. On the one hand are the mishichistim and the other are the bureaucrats (global leaders). The mishichistim, who see the previous rebbe as the personification of the messiah are determined to redefine the Jewish value system along the lines of Avodah Zarah and in the tradition of the other false messiah movements in previous ages. The bureaucrats are undecided, but with a predilection to bury the rebbe once and for all and thus stay within the fold of normative, rabbinic Judaism. The issues came to a head when the gabbai (sexton) of the shul, a mishichisti took issue with a plaque installed on the wall of the building referring to the rebbe in terms reserved for he honored and sacred dead. Rabbi Zalman Lipskier wrote: "the real issue in dispute involves conflicting views on how our faith views the passing of the Grand Rebbe Schneerson and whether or not at this time he may be referred to publicly as the Messiah."

Emerging as more important than the real estate issue of the law suit is what the consensus is among mainstream Lubavitch. Up till now I believed, perhaps somewhat naively that there was only a fringe group quite marginalized who believed Shneeerson was the Messiah. Now it appears that I was totally wrong. I should have trusted my instincts. Many years ago, when I was just boy, I was introduced to a Lubavitch minyan one shabbat for mincha (afternoon prayers). I felt strange then. Perhaps it was because we were staunch misnagdim (opposed to Hassidism) in from a long line of litvaks (Jews of Lithuanian decent, who pride themselves on scholarship and study). But that could not be the reason, because I enjoyed other shteibel minyanim (informal services conducted in a home converted for services). For whatever reason, I did not like the place, and I felt awkward. I suppose I tucked away those feelings, assigning them to my tender age and upbringing in an American home far from the European experiences and Yiddish inflected English.

I should also have sensed years ago that Lubavitch was a definite anomaly, another hiccup in False Messianic Jewish history, a la Shabtai Zvi, when I first noticed a replication of 770 Eastern Parkway just outside of Lod, not far from the airport -- a real eye sore. At the time in the mid 1970's I had no idea that they were already ovdei avoda zarah(idol worshippers). But from then till now an additional 13 replicated buildings of 770 Eastern Parkway were established over the globe (Italy, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, and Australia). In my mind is the imagery of thirteen miniature mishkans (tabernacles), for Lubavitchers to pray in, otherwise, who knows, maybe Hashem (God) won't accept their tefillot (prayers). It sort of reminds me of the plague of the Bamot (personalized altars for sacrificial worship) during the prophetic period, when it was nearly impossible to restrict Jews from setting up their own Bamot for sacrificial worship. Not until King Josiah, the great reformer king made it absolutely verboten.

What is appalling about the entire phenomenon is that the replicas were all built during the lifetime of Rabbi Schneerson. He enabled the proliferation of the pagan ritual. So the question is whether one thinks that this whole thing is the real McCoy, Avodah Zorah, or perhaps it is nothing more than Aish Zarah (strange fire). If it is Avodah Zarah, we are in big trouble because there doesn't seem to be another reformer King on the horizon on the order of King Josiah. So tat leaves us with a AIsh Zarah and we know that Nadav and Abihu fried for offering an Aish Zarah!!!!!

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Zach Johnson's Easter Masters Miracle and the Prophet Zechariah

The Old Testament is the Holy Scripture of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The Jewish Rabbi Jesus Christ is the awaited Messiah of Christianity and Islam. (Koran 3:40-43). Yesterday, April 8, 2007, Easter 2007, Pope Benedict XVI said, "Brothers and sisters in faith, who are listening to me from every part of the world! Christ is risen and he is alive among us. It is he who is the hope of a better future."

After winning the Masters yesterday Zach Johnson said, "My Christian faith is very important to me. It was very special to win the Masters golf tournament on Easter Sunday. I am very blessed. I would like to thank God. I felt Jesus Christ with me on the golf course every step of the way." By stroking Zach's putts coming down the stretch Jesus has certainly given Zach Johnson a brighter future. Now Zach Johnson can choose next year's Champion's Dinner menu. Imagine being able to tell Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer what to eat at Augusta.

Zach Johnson is named after the Biblical Prophet of Christianity, Islam and Judaism Prophet Zechariah the son of the golden Berechiah the son of Iddo. The last time that Zach Johnson's putter was this hot was when he won the last three events on the 2001 NGA Hooters Tour. Name the other 7 Major Champions who played on the NGA Hooters Tour. You needed to be a Biblical Prophet to bet that Zach Johnson would win the Masters yesterday at 1000 to 1 at Caesar's Palace. Zach Johnson has come a long way since the Nationwide Tour's 2003 Rheem Classic. Chris Couch won the 2005 Rheem Classic.

Prophecy is when God of Mount Sinai aka Jesus Christ aka God the Father aka The Holy Spirit aka Elohim aka Yehovah aka Allah tells the future to a human being. The question is "How does God know the future if it hasn't happened yet?" Michelangelo painted the Prophet Zechariah on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel where Pope Benedict XVI celebrated Easter this week. The Hebrew Prophet Zechariah lived in 520 BC during the reign of King Darius of Persia (Iran) 16 years after the Jewish people began to return to Israel after their exile in Babylon (Iraq).

The address of the NGA Hooters Tour is 1211 Hwy 17 N North Myrtle Beach South Carolina 29582. 2527 years ago the Prophet Zechariah said, "In the night I saw a man riding on a red horse! He was standing among the myrtle trees in the glen." (Zech. 1:8). The rider was with 2 other men, one on a white horse and one on a sorrel horse. These were the men who God had sent to patrol the earth and the whole earth was at peace. The men's and ladies' golf tours are where people from all over the world play peacefully together by the same rules.

Zach Johnson is a short hitter but a spectacular putter. He laid up 16 times on Augusta's par 5's and walked away with 11 birdies. The Prophet Zechariah said, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord of Hosts." (Zech. 4:6). "I looked up and saw a man with a measuring line in his hand." (Zech. 2:1). "I see a lampstand all of gold with a bowl on the top of it." (Zech. 4:2).

After his round Zach Johnson was hugged and kissed by his wife who was holding his baby son Will. The Prophet Zechariah said, "Then I looked up and saw two women coming forward. The wind was in their wings; they had wings like the wings of a stork and they lifted up the basket between earth and sky." (Zech. 5:9).

The most treasured prize in golf is the Masters green jacket. Yesterday defending champion Phil Mickelson anointed and clothed Zach Johnson in his new green jacket in the Butler Cabin. The Prophet Zechariah said, "The High Priest Joshua (Jesus' Hebrew name was Joshua) was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel. The angel said to those who were standing before him, 'Take off his filthy clothes.' And to him he said, 'See I have taken your guilt and sin away from you and I will clothe you in festal apparel…So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him in the festal apparel. And the angel of the Lord was standing by." (Zech. 3:4-5). After his Masters victory Zach Johnson said, "I felt Jesus Christ with me on the golf course every step of the way."

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

How to Master Your Life & Success with Women

They key to mastering your life is not just mastering yourself, it's mastering your relationships and the types of relationships you have.

There's a popular term amongst some circles to improve a man's 'inner game'. Taken in my context, that is limited if the man is still ignorant to the relational power game and the disempowering relationships that he is currently in.

If a man wanted to skyrocket his own success with women and in life, instead of just focusing on improving himself, he should look at the types of relationships he is in and reframe his
relational reality so that he has the freedom to actualize his inner game.

Wise sage's talked about improving oneself and 'knowing thyself'.

Unfortunately today there are other relational elements involved that prevent men from realizing anywhere close to their potential.

The sage's back then didn't have a social hierarchy of power that repressed the men anywhere near it has conditionally altered their behavior to today. The men were more independent and free in earlier history.

Those men didn't deal with commercial sexploitation and behavioral conditioning. They didn't deal with unnaturally behaving women either. All of these things today are getting in the way of man actualizing his own potential because he's stuck in a disempowering position throughout much of his daily life.

If men could be aware of their relationship to other sources of power and reframe their reality so that instead of being a conditioned response to a certain stimuli (such as sexploitation or 'programming') and instead took an interdependent win/win relationship with other sources of power, then everything would change.

They could fully be themselves at all times instead of being invisibly repressed. Then they could have more power, respect, success and attraction in life.

So many experts out there will focus on the man's 'inner game' and improving himself. I did that consciously for a decade and it made me a 'better man' but I was still limited in many areas because of the power that other sources had over my life in certain relationships.

Men without their own awareness, are in disempowering relationships to television, magazines, women, and in many cases money itself.

Those are some VERY powerful sources, especially considering that men generally desire women and money the most. If he wants to be effective in those areas, he can improve himself all he wants but if he's still ignorant to the type of relationship he has with
them, he's quite limited.

Know your relationship to other powers out there that have repressed your own inner game in the first place instead of continuing to run into walls.

Positive thinking, body language techniques and 'inner game' are not enough if you're still letting someone else have relational authority over you in those relationships.

For true behavioral change, relational dynamics is the missing link.

Master your relationships and then you'll have the freedom to master yourself, because by default now, there are others wanting to manipulate and influence you.

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Trap of Co-Dependency in Relationships

One of the big casualties of the last few decades is that we have not addressed the changing needs of adult relationships. As instability became the norm in our communities and our homes, children's basic emotional needs are being overlooked. We are now seeing the impact of this missed opportunity in the first generation of young adults that have been raised within the chaos and isolation of current times. Controlling impulses, delaying gratification as well as being empathic are some of the skills that are required to lay the foundation for a sound, loving relationship. Since these skills are being sacrificed in this generation of adults, we are seeing a significant number of relationships that are dysfunctional and co-dependent.

To interact in a relationship in a healthy way requires that we function with total independence on an emotional plain. One of the common problems we see in many spousal relationships is co-dependency. The term co-dependency is often associated with substance abuse but this is not the context that we are using here. Co-dependency also represents a relationship dynamic in which people are incapable of meeting their own personal emotional needs. They look to others to fill in for the emotional deficits that were never fully met in childhood. This can be easily identified by how two members of a couple interact with each other.

When co-dependent individuals become acquainted, they describe feeling complete when together. The connection is extremely strong and is often misinterpreted as "true love." When first dating, these couples are described by others as "the perfect match." They will tell their friends that they can't imagine being able to live without the other person. This particular match is so common that I have no doubt that most readers will be able to immediately identify people like this in their own circle of friends.

If one person needs another to validate her because she does not feel good enough, she will be attracted to someone who will provide this emotional support. If a person has difficulty managing his anxiety and has a fear of being alone, he will look for someone who appears stable and solid.

This dialogue might be heard in an interaction between co-dependent partners:

Kim: "Oh! don't I look so ugly today? I always look fat."

Jim: "No, you don't, I think you are beautiful!"

Kim: "You're just saying that to be nice."

Jim: "I'm really worried; my boss is totally on my case."

Kim: "Don't worry! You're great at your job! Your boss is just a pain."

Jim: "I'm afraid he's going to fire me!"

Kim: "Oh honey, come here, I'll make you feel better. You are too good for that job."

When Kim demeans her own appearance, Jim immediately responds to lift her low self-esteem. When Jim expresses his fear, she jumps in and denigrates the boss, rather than help him problem-solve his dilemma. Both of them are struggling with their inability to manage their own emotional needs.

This cooperative dynamic works well in the beginning. As each person continues to meet each other's needs, they both feel great as if high on life. They truly appear to be the "perfect" match. However, as the stresses of life begin to impact the couple, it is inevitable that each member will no longer be able to provide for the other's needs. The relationship will begin to slip.

As each partner fails to consistently meet the emotional needs of the other: arguments, disappointment and anger begin to ensue. Eventually the "perfect" relationship begins to fall apart. Because they are incomplete without the other, each will feel an urgent need to cut and run in order to meet someone else better suited for them. These fragile bonds often lead to multiple failed relationships.

Although it exists in degrees, co-dependency continues to be destructive to the spousal relationship and even more, to the children. The belief that a spouse can make up for emotional deficits is doomed to failure. Without a means to meet our emotional needs as individuals, co-dependent people will be forever looking for that perfect person to make them feel whole. They will likely be relegated to an endless cycle of searching for life partners to fulfill infantile emotional needs.

If the parents lack this integral emotional foundation, so will their children. If we do not intervene now, there will be generations of couples that will be unstable and dysfunctional. If you recognize this pattern in your relationships, seek assistance immediately. Once you have addressed the underlying emotional deficits contributing to the problem, you will be able to establish a loving, caring and hopefully long-term, healthy relationship. Don't your children deserve it?

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Sexy and Seductive Lingerie Theme

Sexy Occupation Lingerie Ever perused an buying at an online lingerie store? One thing's for sure: today's lingerie ain't your grandmother's lingerie. Forget about lace camisoles and Lycra teddies and panties and garter belts, today's sexy occupation lingerie has brought the workplace into the bedroom and made it sexier than ever.

As little as twenty or thirty years ago most people would never have admitted to having a fetish for a certain kind of occupation's required uniform. Today, of course, we know that in addition to nurses and flight attendants, men have sexual fantasies about women dressed up as everything from cheerleaders to office professionals, from zookeepers to cops. And the lingerie industry has taken notice, you can be sure. Nurses have, of course, long been a subject of fantasy among men. Deep down inside it appears that all men have the longing to be helpless and at the mercy of a caretaker willing to go the extra distance and provide that extra measure of care. If you know what I mean. (Wink, wink; nudge, nudge.) But sexy occupation lingerie based on nurses has moved quite away from standard starched white uniforms of old. White may still be the standard-bearer, but new nursing-styled sexy lingerie comes in all colors of the rainbow, including naughty black, hot pink, and, of course, red. And the styling of sexy lingerie with a nurse theme covers the gamut from old-fashioned, hard-nose traditional uniforms to miniskirts that end a good five inches above the knee. Whether you prefer your caregiver to attend to you wearing a form-fitting satin nurse uniform, or covered from head to toe in a vinyl nurse catsuit you're in luck. If your hospital fantasy prefers the touch of the inexperienced, but oh-so-eager candy striper, there are plenty of sexy lingerie choices to cover that fetish, as well.

If being lovingly dominated by a nurse all dolled up in sexy lingerie isn't your thing, maybe being manhandled by a sexy lady cop is your cup of tea. Much like with nurses, the sexy lingerie industry has long looked to the police force as an inspiration. Ever since Angie Dickinson became television's first bona fide hot lady cop in the 70s, sexy occupation lingerie has included law enforcement styling. For a long time, however, it was dominated by short skirts, tight shirts and handcuffs, but today you can find so much more. Handcuffs, of course, have never gone out of style, but today's sexy lady cop lingerie allows you to be pulled over and frisked by a police woman wearing everything from shiny blue latex cop-on-the-beat uniforms to black vinyl detective short shorts. And if you want to add a little time travel element to your fantasy then why go for the Sherlock Holmes sexy occupation lingerie outfit: a seven-piece outfit that will leave you confessing to the theft of the crown jewels!

If you've never had a fantasy involving a sexy lady taxi driver, you may change your mind after taking a look at the sexy occupation lingerie dedicated to cabbies. Coming mostly in bright yellow, even a guy with a Ferrari parked inside his garage would be tempted to take a taxi if the driver was a stunning beauty wrapped inside this sexy occupation lingerie. Again, these run the gamut in both material and style, but the single hottest taxi lingerie is probably the yellow vinyl ensemble that comes with a hat, zippered midriff jacket, and short shorts. Anyone finding themselves turned on by those images of a female soldier humiliating prisons at the Abu Ghraib prison can relive the experience with female soldier who is actually sexy. Imagine being tied to a leash being held by a green-eyed blonde wearing a dress blue micro-mini skirt. Occupation lingerie has had a field day with all branches of the service. From camouflage bra and panty sets to skintight sailor uniforms, war is most definitely not hell in the bedroom. And for those of you who really want to be dominated, there are several different styles that combine the intensity of a boot camp instructor with the clothing of a dominatrix. Replay the first hour of Full Metal Jacket with a tough-talking DI dressed in thigh-high boots, a button-bursting khaki crop top and matching shorts. This time, however, your military training should end with a promotion instead of a bullet to the head.

Sexy occupation lingerie can be discovered at Envy Chic which gets its inspiration from practically any job you can think of. From ridiculously form-fitting pinstripe office suits to skin-baring construction worker outfits complete with hardhat, you'll probably be hard-pressed to find an occupational uniform that hasn't been translated into lingerie. For sexy clothing lingerie products and information please visit

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Monday, April 02, 2007

Cut out Excuses

A relationship turns out to be successful if the partners are honest with each other and never hide things when they make mistakes. Mostly is the tendency of people to make false excuses for their mistakes or anything else, say if they forget to do some work, or if they forget to buy something from the market or break something valuable the is precious to their partner. Most of the times when a person fails to do some work he or she finds excuses and at times blame others for it. People have excuse for everything. Excuses are what individuals generally take support of to escape from fear of facing anger, mockery or reproach. You too in a relationship must be making excuses, which is incorrect.

You should be true and honest with your partner and always tell your partner what is correct. If you forgot to cook dinner as you were tired and went off to sleep then be straight forward and do not give false justifications. Your mate would not get angry and will understand you. It is normal to get tired. Or if you do not bring a certain item your mate had asked to get then give the right reason for that. IT could be that you were busy the whole day and then felt lazy getting out off the car to go to the store to buy although you were back on time then do not hesitate in telling the truth. Your partner will not kill you for that. He or she will be disappointed but certainly will not say much to you.

But it should be remembered that excuses do no good to you. First and foremost there is a feeling of guilt inside even if your excuse has been accepted. Secondly if your partner discovers that the explanation by you was false then it will do you more harm.

If you are not honest with your spouse then your relationship will not work for long. As sooner or later your partner will come to know about it and will definitely not feel like showing any trust in you. He or she too will not show any honesty towards you. The love that was there disappears and you do not feel romantic about each other. This is especially when you get into the habit of making false excuses as a routine. Your relationship turns out to be no more than a deceitful relationship. Always remember you get what you earn. If you are a good human being, are honest and faithful to your partner then your partner too will be same to you.

After all, a relationship is based on faithfulness and honesty. If you cheat each other then you cannot stick in a relationship for long. It shows how shallow your relationship is?

Do not make excuses and speak the truth. First and foremost be honest with your partner. When you forget to do some work say it and apologize for it. Your partner is not going to pester you for it. If you were tired say it your partner is considerate and understands it. In fact he will be concerned for you.
